Behavioral Expectations

Common Behavioral Expectations and Language

Good Listening: To be a “good listener”, the student will be attentive to the speaker, have a quiet body, and wait for his/her turn to speak.

Our “Listening Song”, coupled with visual cues, targets the following good listener behaviors:

  • Sit up straight and tall

  • Watch the one who talks

  • Keep my body still

  • Do not interrupt

Nice Talk: Adults model a warm and friendly tone in order to teach students socially appropriate “Nice Talk”.  Good manners are infused in the daily routine and conversations (please, thank you, excuse me...).

Brave Talk: Adults support students in their use of an assertive tone when negotiating conflict between peers.

  • “Use your words”

  • “Hands down”

  • “Don’t hit me”

  • “Don’t touch my body”

  • “I don’t like it when...”

  • “I feel sad/upset/frustrated when...”

Use your words: Encouraging children, to the best of their ability,  to use brave talk, pictures, sign language, or common language to express their emotions.

Dangerous and Destructive: Helping students learn to distinguish between tattling and when it is important to tell adults. Discuss what makes something dangerous or destructive

  • “Did it hurt someone?”

  • “Did it hurt our materials?”

Trying things even if it’s hard:

  • “Do your best”